

ReST IN PiECES (Happy Halloween)!


Kick-Ass Creativity, The Cheapskate Next Door

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Kick-Ass Creativity
"Kick-Ass Creativity is a lively and personable guide to higher creativity. Spirited and spiritual, Mary Beth Maziarz is both muse and guide. This book will catalyze all levels and types of creativity. Candid and good-humored, it is a bright lantern on the creative trail." --Julia Cameron, author of The Artist's Way

"Yeager and his Miser Advisers are proof that living more frugally isn't about sacrifice—it's about making choices every day to live a better, happier, more thoughtful life with less."


White Lies

Are you a Liar? Parents rate honesty as the trait they most want in their children. Yet, 96% children lie to parents. Children learn it from us. We don’t specifically or overtly tell them to lie, but they see us do it, often called “white lies.” Parents may encourage “politeness” which translates into a factual lie (“I love this gift.”) The vast majority of white lies are meant to make others feel good and keep social relationships smooth. Over time, children gradually become better liars.
To Praise or Not to Praise. Praise is important, but not hollow or unearned praise. It has to be based on authenticity – towards a specific effort or skill. When kids get to college, heavily praised students commonly drop out of classes rather than suffer a mediocre grade. “Image-maintenance” becomes most importance. They become afraid of not succeeding. ”Kids who are falling behind get drowned in praise. Carol Dweck, the master engineer behind the movement towards self-esteem, recently published an article disavowing her earlier work on self-esteem (largely responsible for doing away with competition and “ribbons for everyone”) showing that overly-praised children have an inflated sense of their own abilities. In fact, research concludes that having high self-esteem doesn’t improve grades, career achievement, or reduce alcohol abuse. The “continued appeal of self-esteem is largely tied to parents’ pride in their children’s achievements: it’s so strong that “when they praise their kids, it’s not that far from praising themselves.” All praise is not equal. Teens actually sense that criticism, not praise, really conveys a teachers’ positive belief in her student’s aptitude.


"Texters are Better off Driving Drunk" (and, yes, texting while stopped at a light is still texting.


TAPPING THE 401K's (Say it aint so!) WASHINGTON - One in four parents plans to tap his individual retirement account or 401k account to pay for his child's college education, a survey by Sallie Mae finds. Gallup surveyed about 2,000 parents who have children under 18 for the U.S.'s biggest student loan company. Sixty percent say they are saving for their children's college educations. On average, parents were on track to save more than $48,000. About 15 percent of families are using a college savings plan, compared with 11 percent a year ago and 9 percent two years ago.To pay for college, parents are chipping in 37 percent from their incomes and savings and then adding another 10 percent from borrowing. College students are saving about 9 percent and borrowing about 14 percent. Grants and scholarships make up 23 percent of the tab, while family and friends pick up the last 7 percent, the survey finds. Overall, parents say college costs are up. High-income families, those making more than $100,000, on average spend about $31,245 on college. Middle-income families, those with incomes between $35,000 and $100,000, spent $22,628, will low-income families spent $17,404.
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