

No Child Left Behind Means a Race to Nowhere
Kari Henley, Huffington Post
"Starting school is an exciting time, but can be stressful for both parents and children. The carefree days of summer are over, and it's time to get back to work. Trouble is, the level of "work" at modern American schools has become rote, overwhelming, stressful and often ineffective in developing the critical thinking skills necessary to compete. For many kids, school feels more like a destination than a discovery, and a race instead of a journey. For many experts and parents, it has become a race -- to nowhere."

Forget Brainstorming - A Fresh Look At Real Workplace Creativity

"The issue of mothers in combat isn't something our society has really looked at. I talked to one Marine, Jocelyn Proano, who got deployed when her daughter was 1. She said, "When I got on that plane, the Mommy mentality left me, and the Marine mentality hit me." Being a soldier becomes their identity. Jocelyn ended up extending her deployment by six months, so she didn't have to leave her unit. Another soldier, Connica McFadden, she was breastfeeding when she was deployed. When she got back, her daughter didn't recognize her and cried when she was left alone with her."