Oasis is looking for senior volunteers
C’mon people…don’t tell me how you cant find anything fun to do…
or that your kids are grown, or (the worst!), you’re bored. People who volunteer report to feel happier and healthier than those who don't. Simple, right? We are pack animals (yes, even those of us who are introverted or socially awkward), which has propelled our species forward for these many years now. Intuitively, we know that being of service is the crux of "being nice" or "leading a good life." The depths of despair is feeling un-needed, irrelevant, outdated and used up. Nothing worse than that feeling! Self-esteem comes from helping others because it creates a sense of meaningfulness and worthiness.
http://www.oasisnet.org/ check it out ~ a non-profit group offering free classes and making the ends meet with pairing aged wisdom and time to those in need. If you are unemployed or "waiting for something to happen," make something happen now. Brilliant concept.