Six traits of successful [happy] people:
- intelligence [ability to deal with complexity, knows how to separate what one thinks from what one feels]
- drive [independence of thoughts, faith in one's decisions, optimism]
- sociability [reciprocal friendships]
- capacity for intimacy [able to trust and be vulnerable]
- happiness [byproduct of other things, negativity turned off in the brain]
- goodness [can think of another's perspective, empathic]
These traits all point to the concept of one's inherent character. Read more in this month's Psychology Today, it's an excellent article.
Or, check out Emotional Intelligence by William Goleman. Great guide to instilling these traits in your children or honing them for yourself.
Or, check out Emotional Intelligence by William Goleman. Great guide to instilling these traits in your children or honing them for yourself.