

Stomach Pain, Distress, GERD, and IBS

An area of medicine that is receiving huge attention these days is stomach distress and gastrointestinal disorders. Factors that contribute to stomach distress include 1) personal upset 2) prior medications 3) viruses 4) diet and 5) hereditary conditions.
Most sufferers experience shame and embarrassment around their physical ailment, especially after their physicians have failed to find any "real problem." 
As more awareness, research, and funding has been allotted to this area (for both children and adults)  small breakthroughs are occurring.

Some common strategies to help the "gut" recover include:
  • probiotics (just be sure it's one that your system tolerates - not brands are equal)
  • soft diet
  • eating more bio-available foods (avoiding processed foods or harsh roughage)
  • prescription medications that target gastrointeritis
  • Nauli breathing (search out on youtube)
  • internal organ massage from a trusted practitioner

Here are some helpful sites:
IFFGD is putting together a taskforce of veterans affected by functional GI disorders to conduct coordinated advocacy activities. Congress is currently looking at bolstering medical research into these conditions and improving access to disability benefits. Affected veterans need to be heard so that lawmakers take appropriate action.
If you know a veteran please pass along this message. If you are an affected veteran please contact IFFGD. Your story needs to be heard by Members of Congress. We'll make sure it is. 
Contact IFFGD