

Guide and Parent Project

Greater Understanding through Intervention, Diversion and Education

GUIDE is a prevention and intervention counseling program for elementary and middle schools students in the Carlsbad Unified School District.  Masters level counseling interns meet with students individually or in groups and offer supportive listening, help students to identify and use their personal strengths.  GUIDE counselors offer psycho-education focusing on coping skills and techniques to manage emotions.  Some of the topics covered in the GUIDE program are:
  • Peer Relationships:  social, networking and relationship pressure
  • Family relationships: getting along at home with parents and siblings
  • Loss and grief:  death, divorce, deployment, moving
  • Personal growth:  managing feelings and stress and improving communication skills
This unique program is a collaborative effort between the Carlsbad Police Department and the Carlsbad Unified School District which supports families and therefore benefits community members.
For more information, contact City of Carlsbad Police Department’s GUIDE (Greater Understanding through Intervention Diversion, and Education) office at 760-931-2167.

Parent Project

The Parent Project is a series of classes designed to help parents successfully manage children who display difficult to manage behavior.  These children may be strong willed, argumentative, test and break house rules.  They may also engage in dangerous and self-destructive behavior.
Parent Project for parents of teens ages 11 to18  is a ten week course which is offered twice a year, in the fall and spring.  This program offers step by step solutions for parents to improve relationships with their children and helps support them in using consistent and effective consequences when children break the house rules.
Loving Solutions is an additional course for parents of strong willed children ages 5 to 10 and is offered once a year. The next Loving Solutions class will be offered beginning in February 2013. 
To learn more about on the Parent Project visit their Web site.
For more information or to register for the next Parent Project class in Carlsbad, e-mail Penny Velazquez  or contact the office at 760-931-2161.