

On Death, Dying, and Grief - Pet Loss

I just completed an extensive day-training conference with David Kessler, a leading author and speaker on death and dying, co-written and trained with both Louise Hay and Elizabeth-Kubler Ross. He also cared for the dying with Mother Theresa in Calcutta.

Some take-aways from his recent conference. 1) kids do well with knowing 2) no decision is a decision 3) we miss people we loved for the rest of our lives 4) the biggest fear during the dying process is being a burden to our family 5) we have the right to make the wrong decision 6) we come into this life in the middle of a movie and we leave it in the middle of a movie.

The day ended with Laughter Yoga (laughter is our free and natural painkiller), a great release and absolutely hysterically fun. You can find David's resources and upcoming retreats at


Thoreau was supposedly asked on his deathbed whether he was ready to meet his maker. He responded quietly, "One world at a time." 🌕🌖🌗

Below is a terrific flow chart on transitioning from Victim, to Survivor, to Thriver

A "traumatic" event can be something that happens which makes you rethink everything you thought about the world you live in; a major disturbance that challenges your core beliefs about self or others. 
Once upon a time, a close friend of mine discovered that who she thought was her father, was in fact, not her father. As we talked, I became aware that she had all the signs of a person in total and complete shock (disbelief, confusion, paralysis, emotional numbing, tears). I told her this was "traumatic" news, in fact, this was a real life trauma - what she had known and believed for many years was shaken, thrown into chaos and confusion - she could begin to move away from stunned shock and slowly move towards the reality of what it is. Just the act of talking was anchoring for her. I could hear the settling down of her heart rate as she began to retell and organize the facts of such harsh news in a stabilizing, calming way. 💙 Recentering. 

The Man Who Saw Too Much 

Video for Kids: Relaxing Breath