

The Latest Suicide Research and Facts

Bullet points from an excellent eight hour workshop on suicide I attended yesterday.

🧩90% of completed suicides involve white males with fire arms. 
🧩Whatever we are doing under the prevention of suicide is NOT working. 
🧩California has the second lowest suicide rate in the country. 
🧩San Diego county has the lowest suicide rate in California. 
🧩Trinity county has the highest suicide rate in California. 
🧩Therapy is defined as anything that helps. 
🧩There is no single cause for suicide. It is idiosyncratic.
🧩50% of suicides do not involve a person with a mental health diagnosis. 
🧩California has seen a 50% increase in suicide since 2000. We are losing the war on suicide. 
🧩The four pillars of suicide are hopelessness, isolation, self-hate, and an inability to cope. 
🧩Contagion suicide is real and occurs as the result of the glorified deceased. Schools and districts have learned from prior errors and we are better at this now. 
🧩Suicide is self murder. 
🧩African-American women have the lowest suicide rate of any population, virtually, nonexistent. 
🧩Cutting, scarring, burning, tattooing, and piercing temporarily provide relief via nerve stimulation, releasing dopamine, serotonin, etc. 
🧩Four questions to ask somebody that you are concerned about; what do you see for your future? Who are your friends? What do you think of yourself? Is there anything you can’t handle right now? 
🧩The most common mean age of suicide chronologically is 83 years old. However, at a remarkable rate, we see the rise of suicide between the ages of 17-45 with no known reason. 🧩Four more good questions: why is suicide attractive? What would that achieve? How does your death make you feel? And what would stop you from doing that?