

Modern-Day Cults Among Us

I continue to research and observe modern-day cults. They are not a thing of the past, and in fact, experts argue that they are on the rise. If you are interested in my prior posts on cults, you will find several here on this blog, including a local group in my own back yard. The epicenter of a thriving cult community is a narcissist (Jim Jones) or a sociopath (Charles Manson). 
Here are four very recent exposes. 

Atlah Church/School - Pastor of Hate Group
One of the comments I often hear is, "All religions are cults." This is not true and further erodes the identification and criminalization of actual cults; we have established specific and essential criteria to meet the definition of a cult. 
*Cult families always include child abuse - sexual violations, severe corporal punishment, or neglect. *Gender roles are inflexible. *Finances are pooled and relinquished. *"Us" vs "Them" identity. *Family of origin relationships are cut-off. 
Visit world-expert cult expert, Steven Hassan on FB.