


Students: Your parents, teachers, and family know that you are being asked to academically function and perform in the black hole of remote learning. We know that you are missing out on huge aspects of the school environment, the fun moments. We acknowledge that there is no way to measure the impact of the relationships you are not being afforded. We know that what used to be in-class work is now additional homework. The non-existent office hours between you and your teacher, at lunch or after school. Popping in to follow up with a question that you didn’t ask in class. Touching, smelling, eye contact - and seeking approval of authority figures is so important to us humans. Doing projects together, making art, poster boards; that three dimensional, hands-on...and rapport building. The laughing and flirting. Collaborating and trusting. You have never met most or all of your teachers, and perhaps never will. We are so sad about this. Those are relationships that you may have had for the rest of your lives. You haven’t been able to hang out with friends after school, grab lunch together, or carpool. We know that some of your friends think schoolwork is optional right now, but it is not! While you are only getting the bones of education right now, the carcass, you are STILL lucky. You have to believe us. We’re asking you to buy-in and do some thing that you simply cannot comprehend right now. Do your best. It really matters.