

On Bullying

The latest research on bullying has some helpful takeaways.

1) Bullying exists in all cultures; this informs the likelihood that bullying serves a purpose for human development and evolution.
2) Administrative sit-downs between both parties (victim/bully) do not work; in fact, they make matters worse.
3) Bullying pays off. We see it on social media, in athletes, politicians, and celebrities.
4) 80% of bullying happens in front of others, suggesting it's performative.
5) Workplace bullies feel entitled, as if they deserve more. They score lower in honesty and humility than the average person.
6) Bullies cycle through targets.
7) Females bully for resources (mates).
8) Bullying can be learned from parents; winner take all mentality.
9) Long-term effects of bullying include altered expression of genes and compromise our immune response for decades.
10) Solutions lie in a "carrot and stick" approach: punishment and seduction towards better behavior.