1) They will most likely need to be re-done at a later date. Yes, implants explode! Well, I mean, not like you'll float away or incinerate, more like misshapen, ruptured or pinhole leaks that make the breast hard as granite. Ask any woman, as I have, who has had them fail; it's unpleasant and and expensive (about $7,500). I haven't the time or inclination to google bad implant photos, but I'm sure there's ample (!) imagery out there.
Read about the Dow class action lawsuit chronology here. Silicone is back in fashion. Saline implants were popular for the last several years but now silicone gel implants have made their resurgence. Millions of women reported chronic fatigue-like symptoms associated with silicone, a foreign agent, entering the blood stream. Arguably, those claims have not been substantiated, but at the very least, if you choose to be cremated, know that the silicone implants will need to be removed first.
Read about the Dow class action lawsuit chronology here. Silicone is back in fashion. Saline implants were popular for the last several years but now silicone gel implants have made their resurgence. Millions of women reported chronic fatigue-like symptoms associated with silicone, a foreign agent, entering the blood stream. Arguably, those claims have not been substantiated, but at the very least, if you choose to be cremated, know that the silicone implants will need to be removed first.
2) Every male within 25 feet can call 'em as artificial.
3) Isn't life supposed to be about accepting what we were given, genetically? Not everyone can go pro and I'll never have long legs - maturity and wisdom is about realizing that I don't get everything the way I want it. And thank goodness.
4) Believe it or not, there will come a day when you'll want to breastfeed a nursling and the breast surgery may have damaged the milk ducts, sometimes making nursing your newborn very difficult or impossible. As a breastfeeding educator, my first question to a mom struggling with breastfeeding issues is, "Have you had breast surgery?" The heartbreaking grief of not being able to feed your baby at the breast is hard to put into words. A top-dollar doc will know how to cut the milk duct glands so as not to damage your future breastfeeding hopes, but not everyone gets the best physician. Why risk it?
5) Mammary glands are size proportionate. Typically, larger women have larger breasts (I know, there is always an anomaly to every generality but let's speak in statistical probabilities here). Tiny women have smaller breasts. Thin women have small breasts...breasts are made up of fat. As a woman puts on weight, she puts it on top as well. As she loses, she will lose it on top as well. Sophia Loren, the greatest bombshell of the last century, a case in point, had the abbondanza bosom, which matched her abundant rump, large nose, and wide lips. Stunning in her bursting-ness.
6) The surgery with the highest personal self-satisfaction reporting is breast reduction, not breast augmentation. Yet, intelligent and lovely women will say, "Christina, I have saved, thought, and independently decided to do this for me." I know...sigh.
7) You might change your mind. I know it's tempting, when the body doesn't obey and do what you wish it would, but all sorts of unhealthy things seem like a good idea momentarily, i.e., stealing, doing drugs, driving after a few beers, saying yes when you know to say no. In other words, like is full of desires, cravings, unrealized wishes. But, personal acceptance, growth, and self-love is being able to live with the consequences of your choices.
8) Role-modeling is important. Where do we begin to role-model to young females that every body is beautiful and unique; some of us are darker, some red-haired, some large-bottomed, some short, tall, freckled, fair? It's a hard sell; "Love yourself - but I need larger breasts!" Is damaging a perfectly good breast a sign of self-hatred? I won't go that far, but, let's not ignore the fact that body altering is at an all-time high. In my late 20's, I predicted that breast augmentation would lose it's appeal and fade away, like a nice suntan. Oh, how wrong I was. In fact, cosmetic surgery has continued to gain momentum and mainstreamed itself into a common place reality.
9) While women may want large breasts, thinking it's more attractive for their male suitor, research has shown that men are less concerned with a woman's measurements than her own self-approval. Men are drawn to women who like themselves. I have never encountered a woman who got breast implants because her boyfriend/husband asked her to. In fact, I frequently hear men say, "I told her I loved her body just the way it is, but she insisted," or, "A handful is just fine for me!" I was at a party for a dear friend of mine when she declared her implants were a gift to her husband. His jaw dropped. Could they really see it so differently?
9) While women may want large breasts, thinking it's more attractive for their male suitor, research has shown that men are less concerned with a woman's measurements than her own self-approval. Men are drawn to women who like themselves. I have never encountered a woman who got breast implants because her boyfriend/husband asked her to. In fact, I frequently hear men say, "I told her I loved her body just the way it is, but she insisted," or, "A handful is just fine for me!" I was at a party for a dear friend of mine when she declared her implants were a gift to her husband. His jaw dropped. Could they really see it so differently?
10) Flat-chested is cool - really. Ages better. More athletic and natural and not at all silicone-like. Less sagging, less back pain, no bouncing. For those rare nights in a fancy cocktail dress, when the cleavage should be juxtaposed just so, look here instead. (no, it's not false advertising and he won't be disappointed). Spend $49 on a push-up bra and spend the earmarked $7,500 on a year of college or a 6-month trip to Costa Rica.
*I am not referring to reconstructive surgery here (that's a very small percentage of breast augs. anyway). I'm referring to invasive surgical swap outs of perfectly good breasts.
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