

Healthy Relationships

Healthy Relationships:

  • Healthy relationships are fluid, flexible, and fun. Of course, there are times of challenge (people get sick, lose jobs, feel frustrated and overworked) but good relationships seem to "know" that the easy times will come back around and soon!
  • Happy couples try new things together, plan to go to new places, dream of vacations together and the joyful things their children will be doing someday.
  • Couples that report to be "satisfied" or (better!) feel that their partner has his or her pulse on each other's daily habits, concerns, and activities. "I know she has a doctor's appointment at 3:00" or "He's worried about a business meeting later in the week" even when the couple doesn't get large amounts of time together. 
  • Couples with good communication skills bring up issues that make the relationship stronger, even if the topics are touchy or sensitive.
  • Trust and reliability is the foundation, "We are a team" or "She has my back." Roles and expectations are most definitely part of a happy couple.
  • Healthy couples do not name-call or insult each other. Yes, the fight and argue, but there are limits to anger for a healthy expression of emotion.
  • Partner's who feel supported and loved do not feel stifled. Instead, they feel heard and appreciated.
  • Happy couples do not speak negatively about their partner to family members or share their marital distress in a disrespectful manner.
  • Healthy couples who "go the distance" encourage their partner to have friends and develop outside interests.