Here are some fun things to do this weekend.
Check out:
- San Diego Botanical Gardens
- Put on sweats, make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, throw in some potato chips, salad and root beers and head to the beach for sunset Saturday night at7:48pm. (see, the days are getting longer!)
- Museum of Making Music in Carlsbad. This is a really cool place.
- Go suck rocks (okay, just climb) at a small indoor gym. Anyone can do this!
- Take the train to San Juan Capistrano and walk around the Mission, the petting zoo and Ruby's.
- Clean out your garage and take your discards to Veterans Village of San Diego.
- Meditate at the Self realization Fellowship in Encinitas (Koi pond!). Take a nice poem, or maybe religious/spiritual readings to contemplate. (Or even a hate letter that wont get sent!)
- Visit Free Flight Bird Farm in Del Mar, a small bird sanctuary. I love this place.
- Head to UCSD and walk through the amazing Geisel Library. It's the 8th wonder of the world.
- Canoodle with your sweetie, in the afternoon.
If you can't pull the trigger to make something happen, ask your best friend, spouse, neighbor, or close relative to help you make it happen. The best way to delay "old-age" and stave off dementia is to always be learning something new, create new neural pathways.
~Be Quick to Hear, Slow to Speak
People frequently regret their words but never their silence~
People frequently regret their words but never their silence~