

Two great (free!) mental health care options for San Diegans. 

*The “Mental Health Mobile”
is hitting the road and making
a special stop in San Diego.

Would you believe that more than one in four Californians
recently surveyed reported that they could benefit from therapy?
• Are you looking for more balance in your life?
• Want to learn how to de-stress?
• Do you know someone who might benefit from talk therapy?
Then come on out and find out more at the Mental Health Mobile!

Tuesday, May 24 from 6 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Horton Plaza, 324 Horton Plaza, San Diego, CA
(You can find the Mental Health Mobile south of Broadway
and west of 4th Avenue.)

Licensed Marriage and Family Therapists will be on
hand offering advice on how to find mental balance
and cope with the stresses of everyday life.

and more...


The It's Up to Us campaign is designed to empower San Diegans to talk openly about mental illness, recognize symptoms, utilize local resources and seek help. One in four adult San Diegans suffer from a diagnosable mental disorder and nearly one out of every five children experience some degree of an emotional or behavioral difficulty. Mental health challenges are just as important to address as physical illness. But often, people do not seek professional care and seek support, nor give support, because of the stigma that is associated with having a mental illness.
By raising awareness, educating the community, and providing easy access to local organizations and services, the goal is to initiate change in perception, inspire wellness and reduce the stigma surrounding mental health challenges.

This campaign is developed through the County of San Diego Health and Human Services Agency, and funded by the County of San Diego Mental Health Services Act.
Recovery is possible and help is available. It's Up to Us.