

U.S. Life Expectancy's - Americans Are Living Shorter Lives, Ranked in 38th Place.


Women live 5 years longer than men but average U.S. life expectancies are reversing for both genders.
The U.S. prides itself on "the best health care in the world" yet, the statistics don't back this assumption any longer.
For the first time in decades - we are living shorter lives. We rank 38, which means 37 countries have citizens that live longer, and living longer is a sign of better health.
Virgin Islands and Costa Rica have better life expectancies than American citizens. 

Mississippi has the worst life expectancy in the country, worse than Honduras, Peru, the Philippines and Brazil. 
Many ideas about the American way of life can be challenged from this thorough research presented by the University of Washington: Good water? More vaccinations? Abundance of food? Wealthiest country in the world?
Maybe it all boils down to one ugly word...diabetes.
While working with a family recently in their attempt to place an aging mom with Parkinson's Disease, we referred to this page as a resource.
